Fully Alive

: Love, Marriage, and the Christian Body

Fully Alive responds to the Marriage Task Force

At the 2012 General Convention of the Episcopal Church, a task force on the study of marriage was created to report back to the next convention on the history and theology of marriage. The task force's report was released in February. Today, the Fully Alive Project has responded to that report with an article in the Anglican Theological Review that lays out a different picture of what marriage is and what it is for. We hope this will be informative not only to the upcoming General Convention but to the whole Church Catholic as we seek together to hear and understand God's calling for us in marriage.

You can read the full text of our essay, "Marriage in Creation and Covenant," on our website or at the website of the Anglican Theological Review where you will also find several responses.

Fully Alive project announced

The members of Fully Alive assembled in September of 2014 in Nashville, Tennessee. After a thorough conversation, the group decided to embark upon an ambitious set of goals including the writing of several essays on marriage, personhood, and pluralism. They also plan to develop resources for conversation at the next General Convention of the Episcopal Church in 2015.

 Those interested in learning more about the project may write to fullyaliveproject@gmail.com.